Power, State and Nationalism in East/Central Europe

An internet-assisted course

Finn Sivert Nielsen (Copenhagen) & Kristina Sliavaite (Vilnius)

Economic support for students

The course has a small budget for cooperation purposes, but since it looks like we will not be so many, we will probably be able to do fairly well. Economic support will be given for the following activities:

In Copenhagen:
Students who copy supplementary literature and send it to their partners in Vilnius will receive support.

In Vilnius:
Students who use internet cafes to communicate with their partners in Copenhagen will have their expenses reimbursed.

Please note the following:
1. In both cases, reimbursement is only possible, if we receive receipts for all of your expenses.
2. We do not have unlimited funds:
Internet cafe expenses have the highest priority, since we really want you to use the internet a lot. So be a little careful with sending big packages of articles - and remember that "snail mail" takes time.

 The money for this course has been supplied as part of a Vilnius-Copenhagen-Lund cooperation grant from NORFa.