Ved Michael Whyte og Finn Sivert Nielsen
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Del 1: Generelle perspektiver | Del 2.A.: Tema - Det sociale rum | Del 2.B.: Tema - Madens etnografi |
Forelæsning 1: Forholdet mellem kvalitative og kvantitative metoder
Sanjek, Roger (1990): "On Ethnographic Validity", i Roger Sanjek (red.): Fieldnotes. The Makings of Anthropology, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, s. 385-413.
Leach, Edmund R. (1967): "An Anthropologist's Reflections on a Social Survey", i Jongmans & Gutkind (red.): Anthropologists in the Field, Assen: Van Gorcum, s.194-207.
Wax, Rosalie H. (1971): "Theoretical Presuppositions of Fieldwork", "The First and Most Uncomfortable Stage of Fieldwork", "The Ambiguities of Fieldwork", i Doing Fieldwork. Warnings and Advice, Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, s.3-20, 42-55.
Forelæsning 2: Positionering, refleksivitet, adgang til felten
Goffman, Erving (1972): "Alienation from Interaction", i Interaction Ritual, Harmondsworth: Penguin, s.113-136.
Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1996): Kapittel 4, i Nærmere kommer du ikke... Håndbok i antropologisk feltarbeid, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
Wulff, Helena (2000): "Access to a Closed World. Methods for a Multilocale Study on Ballet as a Career", i Vered Amit (red.): Constructing the Field. Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Contemporary World, s.147-161, London: Routledge.
Forelæsning 3: Deltagelse og subjektivitet
Tonkin, Elizabeth (1984): "Participant Observation", og Cohen, Anthony P. (1984): "Informants" i R. F. Ellen (red.): Ethnographic Research, London: Academic Press, s.216-229.
Chagnon, Napoleon A. (1968): (Utdrag fra:) Yanomamö. The Fierce People, New York: Holt, Rinehardt & Wilson, s.10-13.
Simmel, Georg (1964): "The Stranger", i Kurt H. Wolff (red.) The Sociology of Georg Simmel, New York: The Free Press, s.402-408.
Douglas, Jack D. (1976): "The Conflict Paradigm of Society and Investigative Field Research", i Investigative Social Research, London: Sage, s.55-82.
Forelæsning 4: Interviews - ord og kategorier
Spradley, James P. and David W. McCurdy (1972): (Utdrag fra:) The Cultural Experience. Ethnography in Complex Society, Waveland Press.
Thompson, Michael (1979): "Rat-infested Slum or Glorious Heritage?" i Rubbish Theory. Oxford, Oxford UP, s.34-55.
Forelæsning 5: Projektdesign
Marshall, Catherine & G.B. Rossman (1995): "How to conduct the study. Designing the research", s.38-77, i Designing Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications. ISBN 0-8039-5249-X.
Forelæsning 6: Inden man tager på feltarbejde: nødvendige refleksioner over kontekst og fagetik
Gupta, Akhil & James Ferguson (1997): "Discipline and practice: 'The Field' as Site, Method, and Location in Anthropology", s.1-46, i Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science. Berkeley: U. of California Press. ISBN 0-520-20679-7.
Van Maanen, John (1983): "The Moral Fix. On the Ethics of Fieldwork", i Robert M. Emerson (red.): Contemporary Field Research. A Collection of Readings, Boston: Little, Brown & Co., s.269-287.
Larsen, Tord (1980): "Er alle stygge andunger egentlig svaner? Tanker om antropologens moralske sakkyndighet", Antropress, nr. 4, 1980, s.12-31.
Gjennomgåes av hjelpelærere:
Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz & Linda L. Shaw (1995): "Writing up Fieldnotes 1: From Field to Desk", i Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, s.39-65.
Udfyldende litteratur:
Anbefales, men vil ikke blive forelæst over.
Goffman, Erving (1959): "Introduction" og "Chapter 1", i The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, New York: Doubleday, ca. 75 s.
Geertz, Clifford (1973): "Thick Description", i The Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books, s.3-30.
Nader, Laura (1969 [1972]): "Up the Anthropologist. Perspectives Gained from Studying Up", i Dell Hymes (red.): Reinventing Anthropology, New York: Pantheon, s.284-308.
Feltarbejdsmanualer og andre hjælpemidler:
Bruges efter behov; vil ikke blive forelæst over. Man kan starte ved at se på disse bøgerne (findes i
biblioteket, hvis intet andet er angivet).
Pelto, Pertti J. & Gretel H. (1978): Anthropological Research, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roy Ellen (1984): Ethnographic Research, London: Academic Press.
Mikkelsen, Britha (1995): Methods for Development Work and Research. Thousand Oaks, California.
Rienecker, Lotte (1998): Problemformulering på de samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. ISBN 87-593-0681-5. (KØBES)
Forelæsning 1: Hvad er det sociale / socialiserede rum? - uge 8
Lechner, Frank J. (1991): "Simmel on Social Space", Explorations in Critical Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 3. "Theory, Culture and Society": Special Issue on Georg Simmel, s.195-201.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1980 [1996]): "Det kabylske huset - eller verden snudd på hodet". I Symbolsk makt: Artikler i utvalg, s.7-23, Oslo: Pax.
Forelæsning 2: Teoretiske perspektiver - uge 9
Appadurai, Arjun (1995): "The Production of Locality". I Richard Fardon (red.): Counterworks. Managing the Diversity of Knowledge, s.204-223, New York: Routledge.
Salmond, Anne (1982): "Theoretical Landscapes. On Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Knowledge". I David Parkin (red.): Semantic Anthropology, s.65-86, London: ASA Monograph No. 22.
Forelæsning 3: Sociale rum og sociale sfærer - uge 10
Solheim, Jorun (1995): "Shelter from the Storm". I Tordis Borchgrevink & Øystein Gullvåg Holter (red.): Labour of Love. Beyond the Self-Evidence of Everyday Life, s.45-67, Aldershot: Avebury.
Kjær, Rasmus Steen (2002): "Journalisten som politisk aktør". I F. S. Nielsen and I. Sjørslev (red.): Folkets repræsentanter: Et antropologisk blik på Folketinget, s.119-149, Århus: Århus universitetsforlag; Magudredningen.
Forelæsning 4: Symbol og magt i rummet - uge 10
[Anonym] (1999): Byen og Beaubourg. En diskussion af den lokale betydning af Beaubourg-centret i Paris, København: Institut for antropologi.
Yampolsky, Mikhail (1995): "In the Shadow of Monuments: Notes on Iconoclasm and Time". I Nancy Condee (red.): Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press.
Ved Michael Whyte
Mennell, S., A. Murcott, and A. H. van Otterloo (1992): "Introduction: Significance and Theoretical Orientations," i The Sociology of Food: Eating, Diet, Culture. London: Sage Publications, s.1-19).
1. Mad og samfund - uge 8
Bourdieu, Pierre (1986 [1979]): Selection from Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge, s.177-201, 574-5.
Jenkins, Richard (1999): "Fællesspisning midt i Jylland: når det drejer sig mere om spisning og drikning end om mad og drikke." Tidskriftet Antropologi 39: s.37-52.
Holtzman, Jon (2002): "Eating Time: Capitalist History and Pastoralist History Among Samburu Herders in Northern Kenya." ASA Conference: Perspectives on Time and Society: Experience, Memory, History, Arusha, Tanzania, 2002, s.1-11.
2. Køn og krop - uge 9
Allison, A. (1997): "Japanese mothers and Obentos: the lunch-box as ideological state apparatus," in Food and Culture: a Reader (red): C.M. Counihan & P.V. Esterik. New York and London: Routledge, s.296-314.
MacIagan, I. (1994): "Food and gender in a Yemeni community," i Culinary Cultures of the Middle East. London, New York: I.B. Taurus. s.159-72.
Bach, Dil (1999): "Fleksitarer og purister: eksisentialistiske spisepraksisser i Cambridge, Massachusetts." Tidskriftet Antropologi 39: s.81-94.
3. Mad og identitet - uge 10
Çaglar, A.S. (1999): "McKebab: Döner kebap and the social positioning struggle of German Turks," i Changing Food Habits: Case studies from Africa, South America and Europe (ed.) C. Lentz. Amsterdam: Harwood, s.263-283.
James, A. (1997): "How British is British food?" i Food, Health and Identity. London and New York: Routledge, s.72-86.
Watson, James L. (1997): "McDonald's in Hong Kong: consumerism, dietary change, and the rise of a children's culture," i Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia. Stanford: Stanford University Press, s.77-109.
4. Public food / public feeding - uge 10
Bell, David, and Gill Valentine, red. (1997): "Chapter Five: City," i Consuming Geographies: We are where we eat. London: Routledge, s.123-43.
Warde, Alan and Lydia Martens (2000): "Chapter Six: Personal service in public and private settings," i Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and Pleasure. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, s.117-134.