Fieldwork Topics - (2000)
food and the miljø discourses
do greens cook differently? do they eat differently? does discourse participation have social effects - exchange/sharing? (see Bente Halkier Ph.D.)
junkfood as a counterdiscourse?
mad som politisk identification
spiser racister pizza eller shawarma?
institutional food issues
school meals - practice and meaning
Sundhedsstyrelsen has an initiative here. Interest both in food served at school and
what is brought from home.
f.eks i kollegium - samordning af tidspunkter, preferencer - praksis eller kreativitet?
gender and institutional eating
comparative studies of canteens - e.g. male canteen at Kødbyen (butchers) vs a
predominantly female canteen (postarbejdere)
madordninger og aktivering
Mange lokale kantiner køres med arbejdkraft fra aktiveringsordninger. Det kan betyde,
at de der laver og serverer mad har helt andre madkulturer (er indvandre eller blot ung
uden erfaring med dansk mad)
restaurant 'culture' - Spradley, Barthes or Bourdieu
restaurant communication
kogekoner og kokker
mad ud af huset som kulturel performance - regler, praksis, selvpresentation
categories, structures and communication
what defines the edible?
food preferences and taboos - by age, gender, context
presenting 'new' foods
to customers
ved Grøn Torvet osv
to family members
food disposal
leftovers vs garbage - evt Whorfian perspective - 'empty drums'
social life of a product (Appadurai,Kopytoff) - chains of social contexts
fish from boat to plate, veggies from farm to distributor to market
animal to edible - the culture of transformation
ethnic fast-food as ethnic communication
ethnic fast-food as ethnic business
families and meals
how do family meal practices change?
family meals from different positions