Power, Conflict and Morality in the Postsocialist World
Course held by the East / Central Europe Research Group
Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
Coordinator - Finn Sivert Nielsen
Materials for Lenka Skodova's lecture  

Questions for discussion / essays:

  1. How does the socialist legacy (heritage) influences today's gender issues in the Czech Republic?
  2. Compare the worldview of Czech and Western (Danish) women.
  3. What themes from the previous lectures of Maja Hojer and Dorthe Bjeregaard do you recognise in the texts of Vesinova-Kalivodova and Haukanes?
  4. How does transition affect gender issues? What changes in the everyday life (Haukanes article) and gender approaches generally (Vesinova-Kalivodova) did you notice?
  5. Discuss, why do you think gender doesn't unite women on the political platform, while it works in terms of civil society?

Suggestions for further reading:

Buckley, Mary. 1997. ed. Post-Soviet women: from the Baltic to Central Asia. Cambridge University Press.

Buijs, Gina. 1993. ed. Migrant women: crossing boundaries and changing identities. Oxford: Berg.

Butler, Judith. 1990. Feminism and the subversion of identity. New York, London: Routledge.

Camino, Linda A. and Krulfeld, Ruth M. 1994. eds. Reconstructing Lives, Recapturing Meaning. Refugee Identity, Gender and Culture Change. Basel: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.

Kapusta-Pofahl, Karen. 2002. "Who would create a Czech Feminism? Challenging assumptions in the process of creating relevant feminisms in the Czech Republic." Anthropology of East Europe Review 20 (2).