Power, Conflict and Morality in the Postsocialist World
Course held by the East / Central Europe Research Group
Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
Coordinator - Finn Sivert Nielsen
Materials for Linas Svolkinas's lecture  
The question I will attempt to answer in my lecture is:

"How does power, conflict and morality exist in the everyday life of people?"

I will do this by investigating how a new law against beer drinking in public spaces in Vilnius affected people's lives.

Below are some guidelines, keywords, themes and questions to think about while reading the texts:

  • Look at things, social relations and norms that surround us in our everyday life as problematic but not taken for granted, think how people use and practice them
  • Key words: private / public, everyday life, power, conflict and morality

Themes and questions:

  • How and why can everyday life studies contribute to an understanding of the postsocialist societies? Think about possible themes for fieldwork to study the everyday life of people in the postsocialist countries.
  • What is the morality of alcohol in your own country?