NB! The following is a preliminary presentation of the course: Please
return for a more complete and updated version!
This course is based on a combination of lectures,
student work in groups, group presentations, and Web-Based Learning
(WBL) modules. It previews several features that will be used in
a full-scale WBL-based introductory course to the anthropology of
postsocialism that is at present under development, as part of the
NECEN-CBT program.
I am the main editor of this course, and I am therefore very thankful
for any feedback and ideas that you, as course participants, may
come up with along the way. I will also place great emphasis on
the final course evaluation. Feedback on the WBL modules is particularly
appreciated, since these are at present only very tentative and
preliminary experiments.
The course literature includes a Core
curriculum (approx. 300 pages), which is read by all students,
and a much larger list of Supplementary
literature, including a Monograph
list. Students participating in the course will be divided
up into 5 groups, and each group will read one Supplementary
theme, consisting of selected literature from the Supplementary
literature and Monograph lists. The curricula for Supplementary
themes may be modified or added to by the groups, using the Supplementary
literature and Monograph lists as inspiration.
The course consists of a number of building-blocks
or "themes", each of which provides a short introduction
to a specialized field within the anthropology of postsocialism.
The themes you will encounter are of three kinds:
- Core themes: The Core curriculum comprises 8 short Core
themes (Themes 1-8),
each consisting of two articles. All of these themes will be studied
by all students. While 6 of the themes will be discussed in classroom
lectures, the remaining 2 themes (Themes
4-5) will be introduced in short WBL modules that students
can access online.
- Expanded Core themes: In the planned full-scale WBL course
it will be possible to expand all Core themes into larger, specialized
sub-modules. In the preliminary version that you will study, only
two such expansions (Themes
4a and 5a) are provided. Two groups of students will self-study
these expanded themes and present them for for the course in plenum
for discussion.
- Supplementary themes: The planned full-scale WBL course
will include a fairly large number of Supplementary themes that
may be added to the themes of the Core curriculum in order to
give the course a different theoretical or thematic focus. For
the preliminary course that you will study, 3 Supplementary themes
(Themes 9-11)
have been formulated, and three student groups will self-study
one of these themes each, and present them for the course in plenum
for discussion.
Each of the 5 Expanded Core themes or Supplementary themes has
a suggested curriculum of approx. 200 pages (for BA students) or
400 pages (for MA students). Each student group must choose one
of these themes, which the group will self-study and present together
for the course in plenum. Tentative curricula for these themes have
been preformulated by the course teacher. Students are free, however,
to change the curriculum, by adding new texts or exchanging existing
texts. The supplied list of Supplementary
literature may serve as an inspiration. It is a requirement
that MA students include at least one monograph from the supplied
Monograph list in their Supplementary
theme curriculum.