'You think it's the end, but it's just the beginning...'
Reflections on 'the ending' as an analytical concept and an empirical reality
Course held at the Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University, Fall 2007
By Finn Sivert Nielsen
Course plan and reading list Go to the course homepage  

Week One: Theoretical and Methodological considerations

Introduction to an anthropology of endings
Winn, Steven. 2005. "Endings are a catharsis. They give meaning to what comes before, and change us from the way we were." San Francisco Chronicle, 01.01.2005.


Crow, Graham. 2005. "Towards a Sociology of Endings." Sociological research online, Vol. 10, Issue 3 (2005-09-30).


Hutnyk, John. 2002. "Jungle studies: the state of anthropology." Futures 34 (2002) p.15-31.
Weil, Simone. 1970. Exerpt from: First and Last Notebooks. London: Oxford University Press, p.148-149.
Time and poetry
Zerubavel, Eviatar. 1991 [2006]. "Islands of Meaning," in Jodi O'Brien, ed.: The Production of Reality: Essays and Readings on Social Interaction. 4th edition. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.


Adam, Barbara. 2006. "Time." Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 23, No. 2-3, p.119-126.
Yampolsky, Mikhail. 1995. "In the shadow of monuments: Notes on iconoclasm and time", in Nancy Condee (ed.): Soviet Hieroglyphics. Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia, p.93-112, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Tsur, Reuven. 2002. "Aspects of Cognitive Poetics", in Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper (eds.), Cognitive Stylistic: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. John Benjamins Publishing Company: Philadelphia.


Daniels, Barbara. n.d. "Poetic closure"


Taha, Ibrahim: "Openness and closedness: Four categories of closurization in modern Arabic fiction"


Nielsen, Finn Sivert. 1987-1996. "The Morality of Mythical Worlds: Critical Reflections on Narrative Form." Manuscript.


Loss and death
Goffman, E. (1962) "On cooling the mark out", in A. Rose (ed.) Human Behavior and Social Processes. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, p.487-8.
Höjdestrand, Tova. 2005. "No close ones." In Needed by nobody: Homelessness, humiliation and humanness in post-socialist Russia. Stockholm: Ph.D. Dissertation, Stockholm University.
Mitchell, Don. 1995. "The End of Public Space? People's Park, Definitions of the Public, and Democracy." Annals of the Association  of American Geographers, 85(1), 1995, p.108-133.
Sennett, Richard. 1974 [1993]. "The public domain." In The Fall of Public Man. London: Faber, p.3-27.
Justus, Z. S. & Aaron Hess. 2006. "One Message for Many Audiences: Framing the Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi." June 23, 2006, Report #0605, Consortium for Strategic Communication, Arizona State University.
Saarinen, Leena. 2002. "Imagined community and death." Digital Creativity, 2002, Vol. 13,  No. 1,  p.53-61.
Slaughter, Virginia. 2005. "Young children’s understanding of death." Australian Psychologist, November 2005; 40(3): 179-186.
Madison, Greg. c.2000. "Framing Death (or, what's so existential about communicative psychotherapy?)"
Lock, Margaret. 1996. "Death in technological time: Locating the end of meaningful life." Medical anthropology quarterly 10(4), p.575-600.

Week Two: Case Study

The End of History
Fukuyama, Francis. 1989. "The End of History?" The National Interest, Summer 1989.
Baudrillard, Jean. n.d. "Illusion of the End or Strike of Events." New York: European Graduate School EGS.


Risse-Kappen, Thomas. 1994. "Ideas do not float freely: Transnational coalitions, domestic structures, and the end of the cold war." International Organization 48,2, Spring 1994, p.185-214.
Szelenyi, Ivan & Balazs. 1994. "Why socialism failed: Toward a theory of system breakdown. Causes  of disintegration of East European state socialism." Theory and Society, Vol. 23, p.211-231.
Verdery, Katherine. 1996. "Faith, hope and Caritas in the land of the pyramids: Romania, 1990-94." In What was socialism, and what comes next? Princeton: Princeton University Press. p.168-203, 266-79.
Hart, Keith. 1996. "End of the world: anthropologists speechless." Anthropology today. Vol. 12 No. 5 October 1996.
Carothers, Thomas. 2001. "The End of the Transition Paradigm." Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13,  No. 1.
Haley, P. Edward. 2001. "First the Towers Crumbled, Then Unilateralism." Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2001.
Borrador, Giovanna. 2003. "An exerpt from Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida." Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Chomsky, Noam. 2001. Interview, Radio B92, Belgrade. September 18, 2001.


AAA. 2001. [Two statements from the American Anthropological Association on 9-11.] Downloaded from www.aaanet.org.
Gold, Scott. 2001. "You're on the 87th Floor, and Something's Terribly Wrong… Survival: How three office mates, amid thousands of others, fled for their lives through a very tall trap." Los Angeles Times, 2001-09-16
Sanchez, Rene & Bill Broadway. 2001. "'A Kinship of Grief'. With Prayers and Patriotism, a Nation Comes Together." Washington Post, 2001-09-15, p.A01
Bell, David A. 2007. "Putting 9/11 into perspective: The attacks were a horrible act of mass murder, but history says we're overreacting." Los Angeles Times, 2007-01-28.


Gage, Beverley. 2002. "The first Wall Street bomb," in Sorkin M. & S. Zukin. eds. After the World Trade Center: Rethinking New York City. New York: Routledge, p.45-55.
Hathaway, Rosemary V. 2005. "'Life in the TV.' The visual nature of 9-11 lore and its impact on vernacular response." Journal of Folklore Research, Vol. 42, No. 1.
Richards, Sam. 2007. "9/11 - the art, the terror, and the spectacle." Tux Delux, 2007-03-27.
Lentricchia, Frank & Jody McAuliffe. 2002. "Groundzeroland." The South Atlantic Quarterly 101:2.
Redhead, Steve. 2006. "The Art of the Accident: Paul Virilio and Accelerated Modernity." Fast Capitalism, 2.1.