Human - Object - Tool
Toward an anthropology of technology

Finn Sivert Nielsen

How to register for the course

Go to the course homepage

First, you need to register for the course, through the official channels of the Copenhagen University course registration system. If you did not have time to register for the course before the deadline, it is probably possible to register personally by applying to the Institute secretariat.

Secondly, after getting your formal registration in order, you must register with me, the teacher.

Please note: If you do not register with me, you will not have access to the course literature.

Registering with me is not difficult. Simply send me an email with the text "Technology course registration" in the subject field, and a message stating your name and saying that you want to participate in the course, and perhaps including some suggestions as to which theme(s) you might prefer to base your student presentation(s) on. (For more information on student presentations, see the course schedule and reading list).

To contact me and register, click here.