Courses and course materials

Finn Sivert Nielsen, social anthropologist

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Fieldwork and methods
Teaching resources on fieldwork and methods
Department of social anthropology, University of Tromsų & Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - 1995-2006...
Kvalitative metoder - praktisk feltmetodekursus for 4. semester
[ Qualitative methods - a practical field methods course for 4th semester BA's ]
(with Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen)
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Spring 2007
Kvalitative metoder - praktisk feltmetodekursus for 4. semester
[ Qualitative methods - a practical field methods course for 4th semester BA's ]
(with Michael Whyte)
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Spring 2004
Slektskap og sosial organisasjon, sosial samhandling og differensiering - forelesninger for grunnfag
[ Kinship and social organization, social interaction and differentiation - lectures for first year BA's ]
Section of social anthropology and Sami studies, University of Tromsø - Spring 1994