The Nordic and East / Central European Network
for Qualitative Social Research


Steering group meeting in Helsinki
March 13th 2003


(For more detailed comments on each point on the agenda, see below.)

1. Opening
 - Introductions
 - Choice of referee
 - Comments on and additions to the agenda
 - Feedback on the Network homepage (see:

2. Short profiles of the participating institutions

3. Charter for the network

4. Network secretariat

5. Future activities and organization of the network
 - Future Nordic Conferences
 - Research initiatives
 - Summer courses
 - Internal contact within the network - Socrates/Erasmus
 - Inter-Baltic MA in anthropology / qualitative sociology
 - Cooperation with institutions outside E/C Europe and Scandinavia
 - Publication and translation
 - Recruitment of new members
 - Financing plan

6. Additional points

7. End of meeting. Dinner.

We will have dinner on Thursday evening at 19.00, in a Italian restaurant named Rodolfo, which is fairly cheap and close to the meeting room
Address: Kirkkokatu 5
Phone: (09)625024
The reservation is made in Anna-Maria Salmi's name.

Comments on each point of the agenda

2. Short profiles of the participating institutions
Each participant will give a presentation of his/her institution, emphasizing its strengths and needs. Please keep your presentations short!

3. Charter for the network
A draft charter will be forwarded as soon as possible, and published to this homepage. We will discuss the draft, and arrive at a finalized version of the charter.

4. Network secretariat
Until the network receives money, it will be impossible to keep a regular secretariat function going.
Suggestion: For the time being it is suggested that the secretariat stay in Copenhagen, where it de facto is today. In the future, it might be desirable that the secretariat rotate between participating institutions.

5. Future activities and organization of the network
The main goal of the meeting will be to arrive at a 2-3 year plan for the network's future activities. The listed activities are suggestions, which are briefly commented below:

 - Future Nordic Conferences
It is suggested that the Network be given the future responsibility for keeping the tradition of Nordic-East/Central European conferences alive. We need to agree on this, and decide on: (a) how often the conferences will be held (every 2-3 years?), and (b) where and when the next conference should be held.
Suggestion: A work-group consisting of 2-3 people should be appointed to start planning the next conference well in advance.

 - Research initiatives
Within the next 2-3 years, it is suggested that the network apply for money to carry out a cooperative research project. The East / Central Europe Research Group (ECEG) in Copenhagen is at present engaged in similar plans, and we think it might be a good idea if the two projects were coordinated. We need to discuss themes for such a project, and to find a project format that fits the needs of our group. (More detailed ideas for such a project will be forwarded.)

 - Summer courses
A possible activity is to arrange summer courses for Ph.D,'s, MA's and/or others. Courses might be field courses or intensive thematic courses of various kinds. Suggestions are welcome.

 - Internal contact within the network - Socrates/Erasmus
Through the EU's Socrates/Erasmus program, institutions in most of the network's participating countries can exchange teachers and students. The Institute of Anthropology in Copenhagen at present has such agreements with three universities in the East/Central European region, and we hope to expand this network in the future. The contracts are a simple way to fund mobility between the participating institutions, and we should discuss the possibility of creating a web of such contracts, linking all participating institutions to each other.

 - Inter-Baltic MA in anthropology / qualitative sociology
During the conference in April 2002, a number of the Baltic participants discussed the possibility of establishing an Inter-Baltic MA program in anthropology / qualitative sociology. Some preliminary inquiries into the possibilities for creating such a program have been made here in Copenhagen, and it seems that there are possibilities that at least partial funding for such a program may be found.
Suggestion: If there is agreement among the Baltic institutions to proceed with this plan, and if we decide that the Network should put its support behind it, potential participants in such a program will be invited to a smaller meeting in the course of the workshop, where these prospects will be discussed in greater detail.

 - Cooperation with institutions outside E/C Europe and Scandinavia
Aside from its primary regional focus, the Network may wish to establish contacts with institutions in countries such as the UK, the US or Germany. Such contacts may be valuable resources for the network. On the other hand, there cannot be too many of them, since it is not desirable to have contacts we do not use for anything. We need to decide on a policy for such extra-regional contacts.
Suggestion: For the time being, we will keep the number of such contacts at at minimum, but keep an eye open for particularly interesting contacts - i.e. institutions of international standing, with a marked interest for the region.

 - Publication and translation
A long-term goal of the Network would be (a) to acquire funding for translation of papers written in East European languages, and (b) to plan coordinated publication, e.g. of a collection of articles written by Network members. Funding for translation may be hard to come by. However, if a publication is planned, translation may be included as part of the publication grant. If we can arrive at a plan for one such publication, we could apply for money to fund it. Meanwhile, there exists an open online publication option, where work in any language may be published - at:

 - Recruitment of new members
As yet, no effort has been made to expand the network beyond the ranks of the participants at the conference in Copenhagen in April 2002. Two forms of expansion are now possible: (a) attraction of new members, and (b) expansion of the steering group. We need to decide on a policy in relation to both of these issues.
Suggestion: We will, in the future, seek to attract as many members as possible to the network. As far as the steering group is concerned, its membership is at present heavily concentrated around the Baltic region. It would seem natural to add one or two members from other parts of East / Central Europe. We need to discuss, however, what milieus would be of particular interest to include.

 - Financing plan
The meeting should arrive at a tentative timeplan for the activities it plans. It is hoped that there will also be time to discuss the financing of the activities. All suggestions are welcome.