The East / Central Europe Research Group
Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University

Cumulative Bibliography Project


The Czech Lands

Compiled by Lenka Skodova

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Online Czech anthropological journal

Background information

Holý, Ladislav (1996) The little Czech and the great Czech nation. National identity and the post-communist social transformation. Cambridge University Press.

Holý, Ladislav (1998) "The metaphor of 'home' in Czech nationalist discourse." In N. Rapport and A. Dawson (eds.): Migrants of identity. Perceptions of home in a world of movement. Oxford, New York: Berg.
[Patriotism versus nationalism, country as home, analysis of Czech national anthem, foreignness.]

Lass, Andrew (1999): "Portable Worlds. On the Limits of Replication in the Czech and Slovak Republics", in Michael Burawoy & Katherine Verdery (ed.): Uncertain Transition. Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World, p.273-300, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
[Problems during implementation of new, computer-based Czech and Slovak library database with American support.]

Svašek, Maruška (1999) "History, identity, and territoriality. Redefining Czech – German relations in the post-Cold War Era." Focaal Nr. 33.
[Change of former Sudetenland into Euregions after the cold war vacuum. Centrum (capital, national interests) versus periphery (the border region, locally empowered as the target of the eu politics).]

Maruska Svasek has also published other articles in Focaal and Cargo.

l'Anson-Sparks, Justin and Svašek, Maruška (1999) "The limits of humour and play." Etnofoor 12: 2.
[Analysis of the board game "We are building Stalin’s monument" and artefacts (Michael Jackson’s statue and Václav Klaus’ billboard) placed in the 90s on the empty space left by the former Stalin’s monument.]

Vešínová-Kalivodová, Eva (1998) "The vision of Czech women: One eye open (Gender roles in Cech society, politics and culture)." Dialectical Anthropology 23:4.
[Czech women – perception of feminism - historical overview and current situation – new journal.]

Kandert Josef (2002) "The 'Czech school' in social anthropology." In: P. Skalnik (ed.) A Post-communist millenium: The struggles for sociocultural anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague studies in social anthropology 2.
[The development of the Czech anthropological milieu during the years 1950-1990.]

Skalnik, Peter (2002) "Politics of Social Anthropology in Czech Universities after 1989: A Report by an Observing Participant." In: P. Skalnik (ed.) A Post-communist millenium: The struggles for sociocultural anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague studies in social anthropology 2.
[The development of the Czech anthropological milieu during the 1990s. Includes bibliography of probably all Skalniks articles plus other Czech names.]

Czech anthropological journal
(articles written in czech or english, some numbers are already in internet version)

Background information

Cornej, Petr and Pokorný, Jirí (2000): A brief history of the Czech lands to 2000. Prague. Práh Press.

Central Europe Review (

Transition. Events and Issues in the Former Soviet Union and East-Central and Southeastern Europe.
A former journal published by the Open Media Research Instutute. Continues as "Transitions".