Global cooling.
Folding of the Sierras and Rockies.
Rise of anthropoids...

Timeline 6 - 25 million years ago to present - return to graphic - previous - next

The Miocene is the next to the last geological age before our time. It is the age of the last - American - wave of mountain folding, and of steadily cooling global climates. More and more devastatingly and violently, great ice-ages are plying their way across the surface of the Earth. Nevertheless, the adaptive and intelligent mammals are thriving, particularly in the short interludes between glaciations; producing new species (the grazing animals) that will later play a key role in human history. And among the mammals, the most adaptive and intelligent of all, the anthropoids, are also thriving. They are the distant ancestors of human beings.

The violent conditions under which these species developed may be seen from the two graphs displayed below. They cover the last 2 and 1 million years respectively (i.e. the Miocene as such has by now already passed, and glaciations have become still more intense) but they may probably - at least for our purposes - be seen as fairly typical of the latter, more intensely glaciated period of the 25 million years that are covered by my present timeline.

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The two graphs (one of which has been inverted, to show time in the same direction!) demonstrate several notable things:

With this timeline, we are approaching conditions similar to our own age. But "our age" proper, the age of human history, the age of agriculture, cities and writing, is still only a thin red line (drawn too wide on the timeline) at the bottom right corner of the timeline.