Last 3 ice-ages.
Genesis of Homo Sapiens Sapiens...

Timeline 9 - 350,000 years ago to present - return to graphic - previous - next


The images are of Mousterian tools - tools used by Homo (Sapiens) Neanderthalensis. Experts seem to disagree on whether the "Neanderthals" were Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis" and therefore closer to Homo Sapiens Sapiens (us) than Homo Neanderthalensis would be.


Left: Mousterian of Acheulean Tradition hand axes, from top to bottom – cordiform hand axe from Le Moustier, France; triangular hand axe from St. Just en Chaussée, France; hand axe from Lynford, UK (Karen Ruebens). Right: Keilmessergruppen Tradition hand axes, from top to bottom – keilmesser from Sesselfesgrotte, Germany; keilmesser from Abri du Musée, France; faustkeilblatt from Königsaue, Germany (Karen Ruebens). - [Picture and picture text quoted verbatim from; click picture for direct link to source.]


When the last known Neanderthals died out, somewhere around 40,000 BP or later (or earlier) and the Denisovans and other "archaic humans" most likely around the same time, homo sapiens sapiens was the only species of the genus homo that remained on earth.

