"Steps to an Anthropology of Post-Communism"
Power, economy and identity in East / Central Europe
Fall 2001
New Lecture Schedule!!
Please read the following well!
1. Since my lecture series overlaps with Jonathan Schwartz's lectures, which many students want to follow alongside my course, I have decided to change the times for my lectures, starting in week 44 (i.e. the week starting on Monday, Oct. 29th.
2. Since we still have not had the monograph seminar on Verdery's "The Political Life of Dead Bodies", we will have that seminar on Friday, Oct. 26th.
3. Our new schedule will therefore be as follows:
NB - Please Note !!
The lectures will NOT take place at the Institute, but right up the street in Nørregade 7 C. On Wednesdays, we will be in room 301. On Fridays we will be in room 303.
Best wishes,
Finn SN