(For Friday Oct. 2)
Please prepare a short (5 minute) presentation on ONE of the themes indicated below:
Theme 1.
He is an experienced, successful and independent (male) black market dealer in Leningrad. In 1988, he marries a Danish girl and emigrates to Denmark. He masters the language quickly and fluently, and soon starts to realize his old dream - of trying to make it as a businesman in the West.
Theme 2.
Early on in this lecture series, when we were discussing power, I pointed out that what I called "the Verdery paradigm" (as formulated in Verdery 1991) was a possible candidate for a "gate-keeping concept" (Appadurai) that might define "post-communist anthropology" as a "regional tradition in ethnographic writing" (Fardon). But since then, we have discussed quite a few other - different - approaches to and aspects of East / Central European society.
Theme 3.
Compare the articles by Yampolsky and Lemon.