Course plan - Copenhagen | Course plan - Vilnius |
(The course will be held in room 007, except for the whole-day seminar in week 49, which will be in room 308, see below.) |
Week 36 Tues., Sept. 3 (13.15-15.00) Lecture: Introduction to the course and the field. Thur., Sept. 5 (13.15-15.00)
Week 37 Thur., Sept. 12 (13.15-15.00)
Week 38 Thur., Sept. 19 (13.15-15.00)
Week 39
Week 40 Weeks 41 - 43
Week 44
Week 45
Week 46 Thur., Nov. 14 (13.15-15.00) Week 47 Week 48
Week 49
Week 50 Thur., Dec. 12 (13.15-15.00) |
Week 36 Lecture: introduction to the course and field.
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39 Week 40
Weeks 41 - 42 - 43 Weeks 44 - 45
Week 46 Weeks 47 - 48
Weeks 49 - 50
Week 51 |
Deadline for delivery of course papers: Dec. 18, at 14.00 All course papers should be delivered per email Click here for details. |
Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1999): "Preface to the Russian Edition (1999)", in: The Eye of the Whirlwind: Russian Identity and Soviet Nation-Building. Quests for Meaning in a Soviet Metropolis, p.1-22, Oslo (1987), Tromsø (2002), St. Petersburg (2002): Manuscript. Russian translation in press. (Published on:
Humphrey, Caroline (1996-97): "Myth-Making, Narratives, and the Dispossessed in Russia", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 19, No. 2, p.70-92.
Verdery, Katherine (1991): "The Supression and Reassertion of National Values in Socialist Romania". In Katherine Verdery. National Ideology Under Socialism. Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford: University of California Press: p. 98-134.
Humphrey, Caroline (2002): "The Villas of the 'New Russians': A Sketch of Consumption and Cultural Identity in Post-Soviet Landscapes", in: The Unmaking of Soviet Life, p.175-201, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Koehler, Jan (1999): "The School of the Street: Organising Diversity and Training Polytaxis in a (Post-)Soviet Periphery", The Anthropology of East Europe Review: Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Autumn), p.39-51.
Tereskinas, Arturas. (1999): "Between Soup and Soap: Iconic Nationality, Mass Media and Pop Culture in Contemporary Lithuania". Artium Unitio. <> No. 1. (24 pages)
Senjkovic, Reana (1995) : "The Use, Interpretation and Symbolization of the National. Croatia 1990/92". In Ethnologia Europaea, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 69-79.
Hinterhuber, Eva Maria (2001): "Between Neotraditionalism and New Resistance - Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg", The Anthropology of East Europe Review: Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring), p.139-152.
Linnet, Jeppe T. (2002): "An Everyday Moral Economy: NGO Activism among Young Latvians", Forthcoming in: Arnstberg & Borén (eds.): The Everyday Economy of Russia, Poland and the Baltic States. (p.1-18)
Cellarius, Barbara A. (1998): "Linking Global Priorities and Local Realities: Nongovernmental Organizations and the Conservation of Nature in Bulgaria", in Krassimira Paskaleva, Philip Shapira, John Pickles & Boian Koulov (ed.): Bulgaria in Transition: Environmental Consequences of Political and Economic Transformation, p.57-82, Aldershot: Ashgate, Studies in Green Research.
Harper, Krista M. (2001): "Chernobyl Stories and Anthropological Shock in Hungary", Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 74, No. 3, p.114-123.
Feldman, Gregory (2000): "Constructing the 'Non-Estonian': The Policy and Politics of Ethnic and European Integration in Estonia", The Anthropology of East Europe Review: Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Vol. 18, No. 2, p.93-101.
Abu-Lughod, Lila (1990): "The Romance of Resistance. Tracing Transformations of Power through Bedouin Women", American Ethnologist, Vol. 17, No. 1, p.41-53.
Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov (eds.) (1995): "The ABC of Russian Consumer Culture: Readings, Ratings, and Real Estate", in Nancy Condee (ed.): Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia, p.130-172, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Kaneff, Deema (2002): "Why People don't Die 'Naturally' any more: Changing Relations between 'the Individual' and 'the State' in Post-Socialist Bulgaria", The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 8, No. 1, p.89-105.
Cursory reading:
Mariann Herloff Mortensen (1999): The
Latvian Thing: Narratives of Place and Identity among Local and Diasporic
Latvians. Copenhagen: Specialeafhandling, Institut for antropologi. (100
Lindholm, Helena (1993): "Introduction: A Conceptual Discussion", in: Helena Lindholm (ed.) Ethnicity and Nationalism. Formation of Identity and Dynamics of Conflict in the 1990s. Nordnes, p. 1-39.
Appadurai, Arjun (1997): "Patriotism and Its Futures", in Arjun Appadurai. Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press. (20 pages)
Roepstorff, Andreas and Simoniukstyte, Ausra (2002) "Cherishing Nation's Time and Space - the Tradition Maintaining Lithuanian Identity". The article will be published in Ton Otto and Poul Pedersen (eds.) Anthropology and the Revival of Tradition. Aarhus University Press (24 pages).
Cursory reading:
Partapuoli, Kari Helene (1998): A
Place of Globalization. Cross-Cultural Cooperation between Estonian and
Norwegian Business People in Tallinn, Tromsø: Hovedfagsavhandling,
Institutt for sosialantropologi. (134 p.).