Hanne Mogensen og Dorthe Nyland Sørensen
* Hylland Eriksens Grundbog læses ekstensivt
Tirsdag 4. 2. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Kap. 12: Natur, teknologi og samfunn. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 263-285
Bateson, G.: Cybernetic Explanation. I: Steps to an Ecology of Mind, New York: Ballantine Books 1972 [1967]: 399-410
Torsdag 6. 2. 03
Rappaport, R. A.: Ritual, sanctity and cybernetics. I: Lessa & Vogt (eds.) Readers in Comparative Religion. New York: Harper & Row 1979 [1971]: 254-266
Hornborg, Alf: Ecology as semiotics: outline of a contextualist paradigm for human ecology. I: Philippe Descola & Gísli Pálsson (eds.) Nature and Society. London: Routledge 1996: 45-62
Tirsdag 11. 2. 03
Richards, P. & G. Ruivenkamp: New Tools for conviviality. Society and biotechnology. I: Philippe Descola & Gísli Pálsson (eds.) Nature and Society. London: Routledge 1996: 275-295
Franklin, Sarah: Making Miracles: Scientific Progress and the Facts of Life. I:
Sarah Franklin and Helena Ragoné (eds.) Reproducing Reproduction. Kinship, Power and Technological Innovation, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1998: 102-117
Torsdag 13. 2. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Kap. 13: Religion og Ritualer. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 287-311.
Durkheim, E.: The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. I: Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske Grunntekster. Trondhjem: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 [1915]: 15-33
Tirsdag 18. 2. 03
Geertz, Clifford: Religion as a Cultural System. I: Lessa & Vogt (eds.) Readers in Comparative Religion. New York: Harper & Row 1979 [1965]: 78-89
Torsdag 20. 2. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Kap. 14: Tankens Veier. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 313-333
Turner, Victor: Betwixt and Between: the liminal period in rites de passage. I: Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske Grunntekster. Trondhjem: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 [1970]: 509-523
Tirsdag 25. 2. 03
Evans-Pritchard, E.E.: Kap. 4: The Notion of Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events. I: Witchcraft, Oracles and magic among the Azande. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1963 [1937]: 63-83
Gluckman, M. : The Logic in Witchcraft. I: Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske Grunntekster. Trondhjem: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 [1960]: 491-506
Torsdag 27. 2. 03
Kapferer, B.: Mind, self and other demonic illness: the negation and reconstruction of self. American Ethnologist 6 (1) 1979: 110-133
Tirsdag 4. 3. 03
Leví-Strauss, C.: Kap. 1: Videnskaben om det konkrete. I: Den Vilde Tanke. København: Gyldendal 1994 [1962]: 11-43
Torsdag 6. 3. 03
Ong, Walter: Print, space and closure. I: Orality and Literacy. The technologizing of the word. New York: Methuen & co. 1986 [1982]: 117-138
Tirsdag 11. 3. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Kap. 14: Antropologien og det moderne. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 335-359.
Wolf, Eric: Introduction. I: Europe and the People without History. Berkeley: University of California Press: 1982: 3-23
Torsdag 13. 3. 03
Davis, John: History and the people without Europe. I: Kirsten Hastrup (ed.) Other Histories. London: Routledge 1992: 14-28
Sahlins, Marshall: Kap. 2: Reproduction. Structures of the Long Run. I: Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities. Ann Arbor: University og Michigan Press 1981: 9-32
Tirsdag 18. 3. 03
Hastrup, Kirsten: Udvikling eller historie – antropologiens bidrag til en ny verden. Den ny Verden 23 (1) 1990: 36-54
Torsdag 20. 3. 03
Sahlins, M.: Goodbye to Tristes Tropes: Ethnography in the Context of Modern World History. I: Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Sosialantropologiske Grunntekster. Trondhjem: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 [1994]: 87-110
Deadline for skriveøvelser: Fredag d. 21. marts kl. 12
Studieteknik ved Pædagogisk Center: Mandag 24. 3. 03, Auditoriet kl.
Tirsdag 25. 3. 03
Mauss, M.: A category of the human mind: the notion of person; the notion of self. I: M. Carrithers et al. The category of the person. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1985 [1938]: 1-25
La Fontaine, J.S.: Person and individual: some anthropological reflections. I: M. Carrithers et al. The category of the person. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1985: 123-140
Torsdag 27. 3. 03
Lamb, S.: The making and unmaking of persons: Notes on aging and gender in North India. Ethos 25 (3) 1997: 279-302
Kapferer, B.: Bureaucratic Erasure: Identity, resistance and violence: Aborigines and discourse of autonomy in a North Queensland Town. I: D. Miller (ed.) Worlds Apart: Modernity through the prism of the local. London: Routledge 1995: 69-90
Tirsdag 1. 4. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Kap. 16: Etnisitet. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 361-379.
Tambiah, Stanley J.: Ethnic conflict in the world today. American Ethnologist 16(2) 1989: 335-349
Klik her for at se planen for metodeseminaret.
Tirsdag 29. 4. 03
Comaroff, J.: Of totemism and ethnicity: consciousness, practice and the signs og inequality. Ethnos 52 1987: 301-323
Tirsdag 6. 5. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Kap. 17: Nasjonalisme og minoriteter. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 381-401.
Anderson, B.: Kap. 1 & 2: Introduction & Cultural Roots. I: Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London: Verso 1992 [1983]: 1-36
Torsdag 8. 5. 03
Rowlands, M. & J.P. Warnier.: Sorcery, power and the modern state in Cameroon. Man 23(1) 1988: 118-132
Malkki, Lisa: National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees, Cultural Anthropology 7(1) 1992:24-44
Tirsdag 13. 5. 03
*Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Kap. 18: Det lokale og det globale. I: Små steder - store spørgsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1998: 403-419.