Using the Internet, creating a net presence

Materials for Finn S. Nielsen's course, Wednesday, August 20, 2003

1. Some examples of resources for anthropologists on the Internet

The below is not a comprehensive list, but gives some examples of the kind of publically accessible resources that may be found online.

Chicago Manual of Style - instructions on how to cite Internet sources.

Anthropology on the Internet: A Review and Evaluation of Networked Resources (Brian Schwimmer, in Current Anthropology)
(A bit old (1996), still this is an interesting and valuable resource.)

SOSIG - Social Science Information Gateway - Ethnology, Ethnography, Anthropology
(A professional and comprehensive portal to web-based resources of many kinds. A good place to look around and get ideas.)

A Guide to Internet Resources in Anthropology
(A good example of a comprehensive and well-kept list of general anthropology links and resources on the Internet.)

Antropologi på Internett
(A comprehensive, thematically organized, annotated list of anthropological links - in Norwegian.)

Handbook on Ethical Issues for Anthropologists (AAA)
(A comprehensive treatment of ethical issues faced by anthropologists. Good pre-fieldwork reading for students.)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Still incomplete, this is a constantly expanding, highly authoritative dictionary of philosophical terms, schools and authors.)

General Anthropology Discussion List (Anthro-L, at Buffalo)
(The archives of one of the oldest and most comprehensive anthropological discussion lists.)

ARD - Anthropological Review Database
(A fairly comprehensive - though by no means complete - collection of reviews of anthropological literature, incorporates reviews from other websites as well.)

Anthropological theories - a guide prepared by students for students (Alabama)
(A nice guide, should be recommended for all first-year students.)

AnthroBase - A searchable database of anthropological texts (Copenhagen)
(A comprehensive and systematic database of anthropological theses, articles, papers etc., which have never been published.)

Vedam's Books from India - Anthropology and Sociology
(A fairly good example of a regional resource, contains detailed information about all books, and claims to be the most comprehensive collection of its kind.)

Anthropology in the News (Texas A&M)
(A classic. This is a systematic, searchable collection of news stories which touch on anthropology and anthropological themes.)

(An innovative website devoted to anthropology, space and architecture.)

Georg Simmel Online
(A website devoted to Simmel, including many of his texts, in German and English.)

2. Search engines

Google - Advanced search
Google - Language and country specific tools (search & auto-translation)
Google - Image search
Google - News search
Google - Usenet discussion groups (directory and search)
Google add-ons: Buttons and the Google toolbar

Alltheweb / Fast

3. Using the Internet in teaching and research

See this page on the Institute's homepage  

Example of a course page 

An example of how AnthroBase may be used as supplementary literature for a course:

AnthroBase - Texts on Scandinavia
AnthroBase - Texts on Eastern Europe
AnthroBase - Texts on Globalization
AnthroBase - Texts on Michel Foucault


4. Creating a good website and a net presence for yourself and your project

See these pages on the Institute's homepage for some relevant examples [Link deleted]

If you want more advanced information, see this site, which is dedicated to giving tips and services for site management