Power, Conflict and Morality in the Postsocialist World | |
held by the East / Central Europe Research Group Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Coordinator - Finn Sivert Nielsen |
Materials for Lenka Skodova's lecture | |
Questions for discussion / essays:
Suggestions for further reading: Buckley, Mary. 1997. ed. Post-Soviet women: from the Baltic to Central Asia. Cambridge University Press. Buijs, Gina. 1993. ed. Migrant women: crossing boundaries and changing identities. Oxford: Berg. Butler, Judith. 1990. Feminism and the subversion of identity. New York, London: Routledge. Camino, Linda A. and Krulfeld, Ruth M. 1994. eds. Reconstructing Lives, Recapturing Meaning. Refugee Identity, Gender and Culture Change. Basel: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Kapusta-Pofahl, Karen. 2002. "Who would create a Czech Feminism? Challenging assumptions in the process of creating relevant feminisms in the Czech Republic." Anthropology of East Europe Review 20 (2). |