Courses and course materials

Finn Sivert Nielsen, social anthropologist

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Anthropology of East / Central Europe
Journey to Points Beyond Utopia: An introduction to the anthropology of postsocialism
Overview of empirical and analytical problematiques in a wide range of postsocialist localities. Preview of a NECEN-CBT Web-Based Learning course.
Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University - Fall 2006
Power, conflict and morality in the postsocialist world
(with Dorte Bjerregaard Jensen, Maja Hojer, Linas Svolkinas, Anders Sejerøe, Ida Harboe Knudsen, Linni Rita Gad, Peter Albrecht, Katja Murray, Mimi Larsson, Lenka Skodova, Benedikte Møller Kristensen, Galina Lindquist)
Overview of empirical and analytical problematiques in a wide range of postsocialist localities.
East / Central Europe Research Group, Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University - Fall 2004
Steps to an anthropology of post-communism
(with Jonathan Schwartz and Kristina Sliavaite)
Introductory course on the anthropology of post-communism. The page includes reading lists, link collections, materials etc.
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Fall 2001
Power, State and Nationalism in East/Central Europe. An Internet-Assisted Course
(with Kristina Sliavaite, Vilnius University - and with Mari-Ann Herloff Mortensen and Kari Helene Partapuoli)
Practically oriented course, where students in Copenhagen and Vilnius together prepare project proposals for (fictitious) ethnographic research projects in the region.
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Fall 2002
Magt og Nationalisme i Østeuropa
[ Power and Nationalism in Eastern Europe ]
(with Åke Norborg)
Practically oriented course, where students prepare project proposals for (fictitious) research projects in the region.
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Fall 1999
Fra Malinowski til Stalin. En indføring i post-kommunismens antropologi
[ From Malinowski to Stalin. An introduction to the anthropology of post-communism ]
Institute of anthropology, Copenhagen University - Spring 1999
Sovjetisk samfunn og kultur, med vekt på uformell organisasjon
[ Soviet society and culture, with emphasis on informal organization ]
Semester theme in Eastern European Studies, University of Oslo - Spring 1987