It is just these sorts
of attitudes that politicians around the country say they are confronting
as midterm elections draw near. The anger of voters was a central
element in both Massachusetts and Oklahoma as they held primary voting
In Massachusetts, fury at the Democrats who have controlled the statehouse was a driving force in both Republican and Democratic gubenatorial primaries. In Oklahoma frustration with the Republican Governor and Democratic Legislature fueled support for a proposition to limit the terms of state lawmakers. Frustration and disillusionment both personal and political, have been increasing fastest among poor and middle-income whites, the study said. On some issues they express levels of dispair almost as great as blacks traditionally among the most alienated of Americans. By contrast, higher-income Americans, those from families with incomes of more than $50,000 a year have shown only a slight increases or no increase at all in negative attitudes, the study said. The New York Times (National), Wednesday 19.9.90, p.A15 |