Finn Sivert Nielsen | Anthropologist |
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This site,, was conceived and created by Finn Sivert Nielsen back in the late 1990's, when it's first rudiments were published at another address. Since then it has gradually expanded to include substantial amounts of material, and has undergone several face lifts. It provides a platform for marketing some of my services as a freelancer, and it reflects my interests and supplies a home for many of my (often very long-term) projects. It also reflects my languages, its pages are in English and Norwegian, a few even in Russian, and although I hope some day to be able to supply bilingual support for more of the site than at present, it is unavoidable that you will encounter materials that are not and will never be translated.
The purpose of the site is to create a public space, into which I may put any idea or piece of information that I think might be of interest to someone else out there. The site is my soap-box, a collection of odds and ends, but also a source of useful ideas and systematically ordered information.
The site is at present (November 2015) undergoing a long-overdue overhaul, with significant additions of material as well a reorganization of the introductory pages that makes it easier to find your way around in the site's at times uncharted interior. The reorganization has greatly improved the site's accessibility. However, there is still plenty of work to do, so stay tuned if you find the site of interest. There will be more, later. In the meantime, be prepared for inconsistencies, dead links and misprints if you explore the site in any depth.
Material that has been added to the website since October 2015 has been marked with "new item" icon, like this: or like this:
The site and its sister-site,, together comprise some 2000 files, some organized in databases or maze-like structures. It should be possible to browse this material without recrossing one's tracks for hours and days, and my hope is that someone out there right now is doing precisesly that...
If you are looking for something specific, you can search this site (and anthrobase).
Constructive reactions to the website and the materials it contains are always welcome. Click here for my contact information.