The Fourth Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Communism

"Anthropological Perspectives on New Social and Cultural Divisions in East / Central Europe"

Copenhagen, Danmark 20-22 april 2002

Instructions about papers to be held at the workshops

  • Papers should be held in English.
  • Papers should be about 20 minutes long - please do not exceed this limit!
  • Papers should be sent to your convenor, no later than April 10th. If you need more time, you must arrange this with your convenor personally. The e-mail address of your convenor may be found on the workshop list page. (Click here to see it.)
  • The order in which the papers will be held at each workshop, as well as other matters pertaining to the internal organization of the various workshops will be decided by the workshop convenors. Please contact your convenor if you have questions about this.
  • All papers will be published online, on Convenors are therefore requested to forward all papers to the conference organizers as soon as you receive them.