The Nordic and East / Central European Network
for Qualitative Social Research


NECEN was a network of mostly Nordic and East / Central European researchers doing qualitative social research in post-socialist countries. At its peak the network had about 100 individual members. In addition, the network had been meeing informally since the early 1990's, and was formally founded in 2002, with its first steering group established the year after. The network's activities were funded by various sources. In 2004, the network received funding from the Danish Research Council for a secretariat (located in Copenhagen) and a professional homepage at

Between 1994 and 2007, the network organized a total of 7 conferences, in addition to a number of smaller workshops and meetings; it administered a large, collaborative research project (UFP), organized a cooperative teaching network in the Circum-Baltic area (CBT), and facilitated extensive communication and cooperation among its members.

In 2008, due to sickness and other problems, the formal network was closed down, although informal contact among many of its members has continued. Work on a large application for funding from the EU with support from several major universities outside the Nordic and East / Central European areas had to be discontinued at the same time.

This page contains documents relating to the network and documents its activities. It will be expanded with additional material as time permits.

NECEN's Charter Information about the network and its history
The NECEN steering group Links
Steering group meetings
Nordic conferences List of individual members (incomplete)
The Circum-Baltic Teaching Network (CBT) List of institutional members
The UFP research project Questionnaire for new members