"Contextualizing Context - Explorations in Invertive Anthropology"

Finn Sivert Nielsen, Spring 2002
Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

Course Homepage

Courses in the anthropology of post-socialism

Notice Board

Course plan and reading list

Supplementary reading list

Texts about September 11 (for Thu. February 21)

A text about Gestalt theory (for Thu. February 28)

Text for Thu. March 14

Important note on course papers

About the course


My article

AnthroBase.com - FSNielsen.com

Course participants with email addresses

Course papers

Notice Board

Welcome to the course. Notices and information will be posted here

Feb. 26: The Supplementary Reading List is up and running. If you have suggestions for other literature that might be on the reading list, please tell me, and I'll include them.

Mar. 7: Text for March 14 has been added above.