Regionalkursus for 2. semester, Foråret 2003

Region - Europa

Finn Sivert Nielsen & Jeppe Linnet

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Introduktion – Europa, Skandinavien, Øst-Europa

Onsd. 5.2 – Feltarbeid "hjemme"
Ardener, Edwin (1987): "Remote Areas: Some Theoretical Considerations. I: A. Jackson (red.): Anthropology at Home. London: Tavistock, s.38-54

Partapuoli, Kari Helene (1996): "Something smelled funny..." Notes on doing fieldwork [in Estonia].

Fred. 7.2 & Onsd. 12.2 – Europa som etnografisk(e) region(er)
Goddard, Victoria et al. (1994): Introduction: The Anthropology of Europe. I: V. Goddard, J. Llobera og C. Shore (red.): The Anthropology of Europe. Oxford: Berg, s.1-40

Fred. 14.2 – Norden og Østeuropa
Gullestad, Marianne (1989): Small Facts and Large Issues: The Anthropology of Contemporary Scandinavian Society. Annual Review of Anthropology 18:71-93

Haukanes, Haldis (1997): "Postkommunismens antropologi. Finst den?", Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, Nr. 3/4, p.267-271.

Tishkov, Valery A. (1992): "The Crisis in Soviet Ethnography [with comments from a number of Soviet and Western anthropologists]", Current Anthropology, Vol. 33, No. 4, p.371-393.

Lokalsamfund i Norge

Onsd. 19.2 & Fred. 21.2 - Speciale 1
Eggen, Øyvind (1998): Troens bekjennere. Kontinuitet og endring i en læstadiansk menighet, Tromsø: Hovedfagsoppgave i sosialantropologi, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Tromsø.

Onsd. 26.2
Barnes, John A. (1955): "Class and Community in a Norwegian Island Parish", Human Relations, Vol. 7, p.39-58.

Eidheim, Harald (1969 [1970]): "When Ethnic Identity is a Social Stigma", in Fredrik Barth (ed.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. The Social Organization of Cultural Difference, p.39-56, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Fred. 28.2
Solheim, Jorun and Tordis Borchgrevink (eds.) (1993): "A Rotten Text? Gender, Food and Interpretation", in Vigdis Broch-Due, Ingrid Rudie & Tone Bleie (ed.): Carved Flesh, Cast Selves. Gendered Symbols and Social Practices, p.147-170, Oxford: Berg, Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women, Vol. 8.

Øst-Europa og kommunismen

Onsd. 5.3 & Fred. 7.3 - Speciale 2
Gotaas, Nora (1992): Den poetiske middelvei. Fleksibilitet, modernitet blant middelklassen i Praha, Oslo: Hovedfagsavhandling, Institutt og museum for antropologi, Universitetet i Oslo.

Onsd. 12.3
Verdery, Katherine (1991): "Theorizing Socialism: A Prologue to the 'Transition'", American Ethnologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.419-436.

NB!! Mand. 17.3
Mars, Gerald and Yochanan Altman (1983): "The Cultural Bases of Soviet Georgia's Second Economy", Soviet Studies, Vol. 35, No. 4, p.546-560.

Kugelmass, Jack (1995): "Bloody Memories: encountering the Past in Contemporary Poland", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 3, p.279-300. 

Fragmenter af Danmark

Onsd. 19.3 & Fred. 21.3 - Speciale 3
Fadel, Ulla (2001): "Den politiske slagmark". En antropologisk undersøgelse af folketingsmedlemmers konstruktion af politik, København: Speciale-afhandling, Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet (Specialerække nr.193).

Onsd. 26.3
Jørgensen, Ida Rued, Tine Sønderby og Jonathan Jacobsen (2000): 'Here the door is a very important technology': Privat rum på et asylcenter.

Gravenhorst, Katja og Simon Kristensen (2000): Fristaden og Friheden: Forhandling af regler på Christiania.

Fred. 28.3
Aarup-Kristensen, Thea, Gritt Bykærholm Nielsen og Lars Ove Trans (2000): Scientology - kirke eller virksomhed? Metodiske perspektiver på forholdet mellem scientologernes selvforståelse og omverdenens kritik.


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Onsd. 2.4 og Fred. 4.4

– Metodeseminar og påskeferie –

Program for metodeseminar: klik her.

Øst-Europa og Vesten

Fred. 2.5

NB!! For Jeppe Linnets to hold er undervisningen flyttet fra Fred. 2.5. til Mand. 5.5.
Undervisningen avholdes til normal tid i lok. 007.
Finn Sivert Nielsens undervisning flyttes IKKE.

Creed, Gerald W. and Janine R. Wedel (1997): "Second Thoughts from the Second World. Interpreting Aid in Post-Communist Eastern Europe", Human Organization, Vol. 56, No. 3, p.253-263.

Schwartz, Jonathan (2000): "Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict in the Republic of Macedonia", in Joel M. Halpern & David A. Kideckel (eds): Neighbors at War. Anthropological Perspectives on Yugoslav Ethnicity, Culture, and History, Univesity Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press, pp.382-400.

Onsd. 7.5 & Fred. 9.5 - Speciale 4
Linnet, Jeppe (2002): EU Accession and Personal Enlightenment: Everyday Sociality and Political Mobilization among Young Latvian NGO Activists, København: Speciale-afhandling, Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet.

Onsd. 14.5
Gal, Susan (1991): "Bartók's funeral: Representations of Europe in Hungarian Political Rhetoric", American Anthropologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.440-456.

NB!! Torsd. 15.5 – Konklusioner, opsummering, evaluering