General advice for students on written work
These pages are part of an ongoing project to provide information and resources on writing for students. Its focus is therefore mainly on academic writing. In time, the pages will gradually be updated and expanded, so bookmark this site, and return to it later to read more. 
How to write and not to write? - A short introduction to things you absolutely must avoid, and things you should always do.

Bibliographic standards 

Using internet sources 

Online reference works in English 

Hvordan undgå eksamssnyd 
Skrevet af en professor ved historisk institut, på grundlag af Københavns Universitets regler. (In Danish!)

By: Finn Sivert Nielsen

Institut for antropologi, Københavns Universitet
Frederiksholms kanal 4, DK-1220 København K, Denmark
Tel: +45 35323464 - Fax: +45 35323465 - E-mail: