I am an able critic of others' texts, but also an avid writer myself. I have published much of my written production online and, in the present incarnation of this homepage, I have added quite a lot of previously unpublished material. The catalogue below contains more than 40 titles, ranging from a few lines to several hundred pages in length, from newspaper articles to poetry, applications, translations, scientific papers, chapters, books, reports, etc. Together, they should give a good impression of the breadth of styles that I master, and thus of what kinds of texts I can edit.
1980 |
Dikt. |
1981 |
Sovjetisk minoritetsforskning: to eksempler.
Antropolognytt, nr. 4, 1981. |
1984 |
En stemme fra tausheten. Vladimir Vysotskij og Russland.
Forum Øst, Nr. 3, 1984. |
1987 |
The Eye of the Whirlwind: Russian Identity and Soviet Nation-Building. Quests for Meaning in a Soviet Metropolis.
Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology. • Preface to the Russian Edition (2003) • Excerpt: Father Peter and Tolya (English and Russian versions)
• Appendix One: Fieldwork in the Soviet Union: An anthropological research project in early 1980's Leningrad (Copenhagen-Riga 2003)
• Appendix Two: Freedom Within - Authority Without: An exploration of certain Russian ideological figures (Copenhagen-Helsinki 2003) |
1987 |
Korrupsjon i komparativt perspektiv.
Prøveforelesning til magistergraden Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitet i Oslo, 24/2 1987. |
1987 |
Vesten sett med russiske øyne - forbilde eller fiende?
Nordisk Øst-Forum, Nr. 2, 1987. |
1987 |
The Post-European Condition.
Paper Presented at the Nordic Research Course in Soviet Foreign Policy, Sigtuna 1987. |
1987 |
Forsøplingen av Skjærgårdsparken i Bamble kommune.
Rapport til Statens Forurensningstilsyn, November 1987. |
1989 |
Rapport fra et skrivekurs ved Institutt for Sosialantropologi UiO, Våren 1989. Konklusjoner og anbefalinger efter evalueringsmøte 2.3.89. |
1989 |
In Worlds of Mirrors: Models of Complex Societies and Anthropological Complexity.
Unpublished manuscript. • Table of Contents
• Introduction: In Worlds of Mirrors (skisse) • Chapter One: The Morality of Mythical Worlds - Critical Reflections on Narrative Form • Chapter Two: The Dual and the Real - Thoughts on an Essay by Claude Lévi-Strauss • Chapter Three: What the Form Contains - Toward a Theory of Intention
• Chapter Four: Text to Texture - Recycling bits of Ricoeur, Bateson, and Marx
• Chapter Five: The Space Between - Lecture One in a Series on the Post-European Individual
• Chapter Six: Pyramid and Cloud - Chaos Theory as a Metaphor in Social Science |
1990 |
Poem. |
1990- 1999 |
Broken bodies - Open minds: Studying the post-European condition.
Unpublished manuscript.
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Chapter One: Concentric Contexts
• Chapter Two: Playing Reality
• Chapter Three: Landscapes of Power
• Chapter Four: Territoriality and the Nation-State
• Chapter Five: The Logic of Collage |
1993 |
How Anthropology? Oslo-antropologien ved en korsvei.
Antropress Xtra, Våren 1993. |
1994 |
Soviet Culture, Russian Kul'tura.
Paper Presented at the First Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Socialism, Tromsø (Skibotn). |
1994 |
Rapport fra Forskerkurset: Continuity and Change in Post-Soviet Societies.
(The First Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Socialism), Skibotn i Troms, 10.-12. oktober 1994. |
1995 |
Sted og Meta-Sted: Mot en postmoderne teori om identitet.
Revidert versjon av paper ved Årsmøtet i Norsk antropologisk forening, Tromsø, Januar 1995. |
1996 |
Anthropology in Norway: A Brief Introduction.
Written for ... |
1997 |
Ethnographies of time; or, Been there, done that.
Poem. |
2000 |
Hva er identitet?
Artikkel skrevet for dansk Operation Dagsværk, 2000. |
2000 |
Going Away.
Poem (version 1). |
2000 |
Going Away.
Poem (version 2). |
2000 |
Post mortem en route.
Poem. |
2000 |
9. mai 2000, Bedford.
Dikt. |
2000 |
May 9th 2000, Bedford.
Poem (translated from Norwegian original). |
2000 |
Det kunde blive nemmere lige med det samme: Om computere og deres interface med mennesker.
Ikke publisert. |
2001 |
Models of Social Complexity - What is Theory?
Paper presented at the Magleås Seminar, Denmark, May 15th 2001. |
2001 |
Bringing it all home. What can we expect from America's new war.
September 24, 2001. Unpublished. |
2001 |
Contaminated waste.
Poem. |
2001 |
'Fagets kjerne' - Innlegg på debattmøte om antropologiens formål i verden.
Institut for antropologi, Københavns Universitet, 27.11.01. |
2001 |
Human - Object - Tool.
Paper read at the Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen, November 18, 2001. |
2002 |
Cultural networks and mediating elites: A very unfinished model of the informal circulation of cultural values in the Soviet Union, with some questions about the post-Soviet situation.
Paper presented at the Fourth Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Socialism, April 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
2002 |
Til verdens ende og tilbake. Antropologiens historie.
Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. (With Thomas Hylland Eriksen.) • Bokens hjemmeside: www.anthrobase.com/Browse/home/hst/ • Kapittel 4. Ekspansjon og institusjonsbygging • Rettelser til den norske førsteutgaven A History of Anthropology.
London: Pluto Press. (With Thomas Hylland Eriksen.) • Chapter 2. Victorians, Germans and a Frenchman
2003 |
Kommunismens ondskap og forenklingens tyranni.
Ikke publisert. |
2003 |
Building anthropology: A historical sketch of the formative years of anthropology in the Nordic countries, with parallels to the situation in the Baltic countries today.
Lecture at the conference: Defining ourselves - Establishing anthropology in the Baltic states, Vilnius, Oct. 2-5, 2003. |
2003 |
Mikhail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita, Chapters One and Two.
Translated from the Russian by Finn Sivert Nielsen and Aleksandra Livanova. |
2005 |
Ytringsfrihetens uutholdelige grenser.
En kritisk respons til den offentlige debatt i Danmark om Jyllandspostens publikasjon av 12 karikaturtegninger av Profeten Muhammed. Ikke publisert. |
2005 |
Fjellet i Norge om sommeren.
Bilder og tekst. |
2012 |
T. S. Eliot: Det øde land. Del 1: De dødes begravelse.
Oversatt fra engelsk av Finn Sivert Nielsen. |
2015 |
Redskapet mellom menneske og verden. En tverrfaglig utforskning av redskapsbegrepet.
Søknad, 2015. |
2015 |
Etter isen. Roman.
Kapittel 1 og 2. |
2015 |
Påminnelsens mot.
Dikt. |